Photographic and virtual art

Nothing is as it seems at first; every-thing is in process and thus in chan-ge. A digital photograph is both a light image and a data image. 

As a result, it is material of different systems. It is a preliminary image, a foil of pictorial feeling. A mirror is held up to our feelings. This always means our feeling is in process. 

To gain new perspectives, it sometimes helps to destroy familiar ways of seeing in the figurative sense, to think visually in processes, not in states. For me as an artist this means, for example, that I am destroying a photographic image that I have previously taken, by transformation. In other words, through a new algorithmic ordering structure, I arrive at a new seeing and visual order. 

We see in the result as experimental photographic art something that we could not perceive in this order before. It is something that was already possibly included in digital photography. Photography thus becomes shapeable matter. An algorithmic ordering system that underlies digital photography as a grammar leaves a new constructive substantive order through transformation. 

Creatively following an artistic idea, I thus develop autonomous photographic images. My artistic work can also be called conceptual work with photographic material. As a phantom of light and a digital structure, photography becomes the carrier of a visual vision. Light image simultaneously with data image forms the design of another possibility. 

Here stands the opportunity for different landscape scenarios. Worlds in environments, an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure, the surroundings, or conditions in which a creature lives or runs. 

• the inner landscape 

• the matrix of a digital photograph 

• the urban landscape 

• the cultural landscape and 

• the natural landscapes


Contact details of the artist



My starting material is always digital photography. As a conceptual, experimental artist, I refer not only to photographic processes, but also to photography as a mathematical-physical material. I see it as matter that gives me the opportunity to develop new systems of order by focusing on the internal structures. That means I'm referring to a virtual reality which is already used in digital photography as

a realistic document. Or to put it another way, initially already as representation of a realistic reality was present.

© Ursa Schoepper

All these artworks can also be obtained by request on Hahnemühlen Baryta paper or on Aludibond 120 x 80 cm

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