Contact details of the artist

Instagram: umbraphotos


Erika was born in Venezuela but lives and works in Madrid, Spain. After receiving her Degree in Philosophy from the Central University of Venezuela, she began to extend her range of contacts and in 2014 became part of the Venezuela Apamate Creative Photography collective, and in 2016 participated in El Convite, a multiplatform artistic festival where photography and audio-visual recording have a relevant role. 

After arriving in Spain in 2018, together with another group of photographers, she created the Highlighter hub collective, where she rediscovered and focused her vision as a new way to communicate. She created audio-visual communication projects for different companies and organizations such as: Mayor of Caracas, Festival El Convite, Caracas Rapea, Inparques, etc. and founded the Photographic Workshop Feast of Creation, intended for children and tweens ... 

The restricted freedom of expression hides the fear of the outcome, constrains fluid thinking with contempt in the channels. Decomposed figures of events, where waves and ventriloquists walk. 

Knowledge about freedom lodges in monuments and those bodies that change. The dance of forgotten travel’s streets, seas, and mountains with the certainty of misadventure. It is filled with images in which feelings and thoughts are diluted. When there is a moon, the shadows grow, but not in just one place. 

Paths of footprints that have sound, they do not finish telling stories, images do not stop arriving to give transit of the mood from night to day. There in the purest darkness the stars are hidden with clouds and everything seems a hall of rocky harmonies and hopes in search of silence. 

Tonight will soon pass, with compassionate gaze, a night that leaves dichotomies that are transformed into compassionate sensations. 

But we always go back to the sea; there I want to find you, look for the bluest hour to kiss you and the place beyond to love you, where the water is at the same time water and abyss, in the high seas, where the air itself gives an air to love and another to death.

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