Digital Art Conquers the World

Digital Art Conquers the World

  • @ Preeti Madan

    @ Preeti Madan

    Digital Artwork

  • @  Thomas Persson

    @ Thomas Persson

    Digital Artwork

  • @  Thomas Persson

    @ Thomas Persson

    Digital Artwork

  • @ Preeti Madan

    @ Preeti Madan

    Digital Artwork


Technological advances, the creation of new mass media, the creation of content and technological tools have taken a substantial leap in the last decade, allowing the incursion of new methods capable of revolutionizing the digital era in which we are already immersed.

Digital art is a creative discipline of the plastic arts whose trend has appeared around the creation of programs and applications that diversify the concept of traditional art.

Art evolved with technology and its media, without the discarding of traditional tools, digital brushstrokes have been merged and art is a concept that encompasses all the works made by the human being to express a sensitive vision about the real or imaginary world, whether its expression is physical or virtual.

Despite the criticism of conservative and purist artists who classify it as a technical skill and not as an artistic manifestation, digital art has the advantage of being reproduced in masses thanks to the global media of fast and maximum reach.

There are several types of digital art. The modern artist who shows his skills and knowledge to handle programs that allow him to capture his emotions by creating virtual environments with digital colour palettes and brushes bought or created according to his needs, and the sculptors and moulders who have opened the way to 3D creations, moulding very real organic figures.

Digital art has had rapid acceptance and growth. Globalization, communication, and dissemination through new mass media have managed to make visible the work of digital artists from different disciplines in various parts of the world, breaking down barriers such as distance, culture or language, making the public and artists connect and create a link between what they are trying to express, and the feeling of the message received without this implying physical presence.

A clear sign of the speed, acceptance and mass dissemination of digital art has been expressed in the first quarter of this year. When the American Mike Winkelmann, known artistically as Beeple; with more than 15 years of experience and only six months in the digital market, cryptocurrencies, achieved a historical record by selling one of his works auctioned by NFT (No Fungible Tokens) ‘Everydays- the firts 5000 days’. A Collage of 5000 images that opened the auction for an amount of $ 100, reached $ 14 million in a few days and finally closed with a value, $ 69,346,250, which makes it the most expensive digital work of all time and the most expensive work of art ever auctioned by an artist in life.

This achievement shows that the world is constantly transforming, that the way of expressing is evolving and with it the concepts and ways of transmitting. Digital art is revolutionizing the world, managing to expand the artist's message, positioning itself in the avantgarde, but without displacing painting and painting as historical and formative forms of human creation and evolution. The soul of the artist is always reflected in his work regardless of the canvas that is used for it.

By Jeika Gotera

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